Investment in Indian NBFC to Conduct Geographical Expansion

An Indian NBFC is looking to raise funds in the form of debt or equity in order to go ahead with its ambitious expansion plan across the country. The company is a pioneer in cutting the red tape associated with the loan application process and making it accessible to people residing in the rural and semi-urban parts of the country and has experienced organic portfolio growth since being formed.

Industry: BFSI   Years in Business: 30 years
Country: India   State: Rajasthan
Revenue (USD): USD 11 million (FY21)   Project Status:
Business Type: Financial Services   Transaction: Fundraising

Company Overview

The company is an NBFC operating out of its headquarters in Jaipur and started out by primarily financing commercial and non-commercial vehicles in the city. Since then, it has extended its reach to rural, semi-urban and urban areas across 3 states with 118 branches and over 25,000 customers. It has also expanded its operations to providing business loans to MSMEs, vehicle loans for tractors and two-wheelers, and personal loans.

Product or Technology Overview

The company currently provides 9 types of loans as follows-


What the Company is looking for?

Target Country:



The company is seeking to raise funds through debt or equity in order to facilitate its geographical expansion across the country.



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